155 research outputs found

    Achievable Regions for Interference Channels with Generalized and Intermittent Feedback

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    In this paper, we first study a two-user interference channel with generalized feedback. We establish an inner bound on its capacity region. The coding scheme that we employ for the inner bound is based on an appropriate combination of Han-Kobayash rate splitting and compress-and-forward at the senders. Each sender compresses the channel output that is observes using a compression scheme that is \`a-la Lim et al. noisy network coding and Avestimeher et al. quantize-map-and-forward. Next, we study an injective deterministic model in which the senders obtain output feedback only intermittently. Specializing the coding scheme of the model with generalized feedback to this scenario, we obtain useful insights onto effective ways of combining noisy network coding with interference alignment techniques. We also apply our results to linear deterministic interference channels with intermittent feedback.Comment: To appear in Proc. of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 6 pages, 2 figure

    Rate-Distortion Function for a Heegard-Berger Problem with Two Sources and Degraded Reconstruction sets

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    In this work, we investigate an instance of the Heegard-Berger problem with two sources and arbitrarily correlated side information sequences at two decoders, in which the reconstruction sets at the decoders are degraded. Specifically, two sources are to be encoded in a manner that one of the two is reproduced losslessly by both decoders, and the other is reproduced to within some prescribed distortion level at one of the two decoders. We establish a single-letter characterization of the rate-distortion function for this model. The investigation of this result in some special cases also sheds light on the utility of joint compression of the two sources. Furthermore, we also generalize our result to the setting in which the source component that is to be recovered by both users is reconstructed in a lossy fashion, under the requirement that all terminals (i.e., the encoder and both decoders) can share an exact copy of the compressed version of this source component, i.e., a common encoder-decoders reconstruction constraint. For this model as well, we establish a single-letter characterization of the associated rate-distortion function.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theor

    On Cooperative Multiple Access Channels with Delayed CSI at Transmitters

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    We consider a cooperative two-user multiaccess channel in which the transmission is controlled by a random state. Both encoders transmit a common message and, one of the encoders also transmits an individual message. We study the capacity region of this communication model for different degrees of availability of the states at the encoders, causally or strictly causally. In the case in which the states are revealed causally to both encoders but not to the decoder we find an explicit characterization of the capacity region in the discrete memoryless case. In the case in which the states are revealed only strictly causally to both encoders, we establish inner and outer bounds on the capacity region. The outer bound is non-trivial, and has a relatively simple form. It has the advantage of incorporating only one auxiliary random variable. We then introduce a class of cooperative multiaccess channels with states known strictly causally at both encoders for which the inner and outer bounds agree; and so we characterize the capacity region for this class. In this class of channels, the state can be obtained as a deterministic function of the channel inputs and output. We also study the model in which the states are revealed, strictly causally, in an asymmetric manner, to only one encoder. Throughout the paper, we discuss a number of examples; and compute the capacity region of some of these examples. The results shed more light on the utility of delayed channel state information for increasing the capacity region of state-dependent cooperative multiaccess channels; and tie with recent progress in this framework.Comment: 54 pages. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1201.327

    Rate-Exponent Region for a Class of Distributed Hypothesis Testing Against Conditional Independence Problems

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    We study a class of KK-encoder hypothesis testing against conditional independence problems. Under the criterion that stipulates minimization of the Type II error subject to a (constant) upper bound ϵ\epsilon on the Type I error, we characterize the set of encoding rates and exponent for both discrete memoryless and memoryless vector Gaussian settings. For the DM setting, we provide a converse proof and show that it is achieved using the Quantize-Bin-Test scheme of Rahman and Wagner. For the memoryless vector Gaussian setting, we develop a tight outer bound by means of a technique that relies on the de Bruijn identity and the properties of Fisher information. In particular, the result shows that for memoryless vector Gaussian sources the rate-exponent region is exhausted using the Quantize-Bin-Test scheme with \textit{Gaussian} test channels; and there is \textit{no} loss in performance caused by restricting the sensors' encoders not to employ time sharing. Furthermore, we also study a variant of the problem in which the source, not necessarily Gaussian, has finite differential entropy and the sensors' observations noises under the null hypothesis are Gaussian. For this model, our main result is an upper bound on the exponent-rate function. The bound is shown to mirror a corresponding explicit lower bound, except that the lower bound involves the source power (variance) whereas the upper bound has the source entropy power. Part of the utility of the established bound is for investigating asymptotic exponent/rates and losses incurred by distributed detection as function of the number of sensors.Comment: Submitted for publication to the IEEE Transactions of Information Theory. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1904.03028, arXiv:1811.0393

    Multiple Access Channel with States Known Noncausally at One Encoder and Only Strictly Causally at the Other Encoder

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    We consider a two-user state-dependent multiaccess channel in which the states of the channel are known non-causally to one of the encoders and only strictly causally to the other encoder. Both encoders transmit a common message and, in addition, the encoder that knows the states non-causally transmits an individual message. We study the capacity region of this communication model. In the discrete memoryless case, we establish inner and outer bounds on the capacity region. Although the encoder that sends both messages knows the states fully, we show that the strictly causal knowledge of these states at the other encoder can be beneficial for this encoder, and in general enlarges the capacity region. Furthermore, we find an explicit characterization of the capacity in the case in which the two encoders transmit only the common message. In the Gaussian case, we characterize the capacity region for the model with individual message as well. Our converse proof in this case shows that, for this model, strictly causal knowledge of the state at one of the encoders does not increase capacity if the other is informed non-causally, a result which sheds more light on the utility of conveying a compressed version of the state to the decoder in recent results by Lapidoth and Steinberg on a multiacess model with only strictly causal state at both encoders and independent messages.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    Wyner-Ziv Type Versus Noisy Network Coding For a State-Dependent MAC

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    We consider a two-user state-dependent multiaccess channel in which the states of the channel are known non-causally to one of the encoders and only strictly causally to the other encoder. Both encoders transmit a common message and, in addition, the encoder that knows the states non-causally transmits an individual message. We find explicit characterizations of the capacity region of this communication model in both discrete memoryless and memoryless Gaussian cases. The analysis also reveals optimal ways of exploiting the knowledge of the state only strictly causally at the encoder that sends only the common message when such a knowledge is beneficial. The encoders collaborate to convey to the decoder a lossy version of the state, in addition to transmitting the information messages through a generalized Gel'fand-Pinsker binning. Particularly important in this problem are the questions of 1) optimal ways of performing the state compression and 2) whether or not the compression indices should be decoded uniquely. We show that both compression \`a-la noisy network coding, i.e., with no binning, and compression using Wyner-Ziv binning are optimal. The scheme that uses Wyner-Ziv binning shares elements with Cover and El Gamal original compress-and-forward, but differs from it mainly in that backward decoding is employed instead of forward decoding and the compression indices are not decoded uniquely. Finally, by exploring the properties of our outer bound, we show that, although not required in general, the compression indices can in fact be decoded uniquely essentially without altering the capacity region, but at the expense of larger alphabets sizes for the auxiliary random variables.Comment: Submitted for publication to the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 5 pages, 1 figur

    Compute-and-Forward on a Multi-User Multi-Relay Channel

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    In this paper, we consider a system in which multiple users communicate with a destination with the help of multiple half-duplex relays. Based on the compute-and-forward scheme, each relay, instead of decoding the users' messages, decodes an integer-valued linear combination that relates the transmitted messages. Then, it forwards the linear combination towards the destination. Given these linear combinations, the destination may or may not recover the transmitted messages since the linear combinations are not always full rank. Therefore, we propose an algorithm where we optimize the precoding factor at the users such that the probability that the equations are full rank is increased and that the transmission rate is maximized. We show, through some numerical examples, the effectiveness of our algorithm and the advantage of performing precoding allocation at the users. Also, we show that this scheme can outperform standard relaying techniques in certain regimes

    On Secure Transmission over Parallel Relay Eavesdropper Channel

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    We study a four terminal parallel relay-eavesdropper channel which consists of multiple independent relay-eavesdropper channels as subchannels. For the discrete memoryless case, we establish inner and outer bounds on the rate-equivocation region. For each subchannel, secure transmission is obtained through one of the two coding schemes at the relay: decoding-and-forwarding the source message or confusing the eavesdropper through noise injection. The inner bound allows relay mode selection. For the Gaussian model we establish lower and upper bounds on the perfect secrecy rate. We show that the bounds meet in some special cases, including when the relay does not hear the source. We illustrate the analytical results through some numerical examples.Comment: 8 pages, Presented at the Forty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 29 - October 1, 2010, Monticello, IL, US
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